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发布时间:2024-10-15 01:15人气:

本文摘要:LAST year Google whet the appetites of geeks everywhere when it announced that it had developed Google Glass, a pair of web-connected smart glasses that could take photos and videos, and display information gleaned from the internet. The firm said it would launch a public trial of the voice-controlled specs with a small group of developers early in 2013. On February 20th it announced that it now wants a broader group of people to join the developers peering into the future using its new technology.谷歌去年宣告研发出有了谷歌眼镜,一下绑住了全球发烧友们的胃口。

LAST year Google whet the appetites of geeks everywhere when it announced that it had developed Google Glass, a pair of web-connected smart glasses that could take photos and videos, and display information gleaned from the internet. The firm said it would launch a public trial of the voice-controlled specs with a small group of developers early in 2013. On February 20th it announced that it now wants a broader group of people to join the developers peering into the future using its new technology.谷歌去年宣告研发出有了谷歌眼镜,一下绑住了全球发烧友们的胃口。这是一种新型智能眼镜,能网际网路、能照片、能看视频、还能表明网上订阅者的文章。谷歌曾回应期望2013年初在开发人员中启动小规模内测,以测试这款语音掌控的智能眼镜。2月20日,谷歌宣告不断扩大测试范围,让更加多的人通过这种新的科技与开发人员一道展望未来。

The company has launched a website for folk who want to apply to test the Explorer trial version of its glasses and who are willing to cough up $1,500 for the privilege of having them. It has also posted a video (see below) that shows how the specs can be used in various situations, including navigating on a road and taking photos of memorable moments. Data and images are displayed on a tiny screen that appears at the top of a person’s field of vision. This is mounted in a flexible frame that also incorporates a camera, a microphone and a computer.想体验试用版的发烧友可以指定谷歌的专题网站填上申请人,如果不愿花上上1500美元,这幅眼镜就归你了。谷歌还公布了一段涉及视频,视频表明这种眼镜限于于各种情景,可以用作户外导航系统,也可以用来记录照片。戴着上眼镜的人可以在视野上方的一个小屏幕里看见数据和图像,这个小屏幕板可以移动,而且还包括了摄像机、麦克风和电脑功能。Although its new gadget is still in its early stages and has plenty of room for improvement (not least in the design of the bulky arm that houses its battery), Google is clearly hoping that a broader field test will help it to iron out imperfections faster, as well as stoke interest in the device. It says it is looking for a diverse group of guinea pigs willing to share their experiences with the gizmo via social media.虽然这一新装备还正处于早期阶段,改良的空间还相当大(特别是在是眼镜腿的设计,因为要取出电池,眼镜腿过于过轻巧),但是很显著,谷歌期望能获得一石二鸟的效果:大范围测算可以使眼镜更加慢完备,同时还能更有人们对该设备的兴趣。

谷歌期望有有所不同类型的测试人员参予进去,更加期望他们可以把所学公布在社交媒体上。The web giants move is another sign that the nascent market for wearable technology is developing fast. Other companies such as Japan’s Olympus are also experimenting with smart goggles and there is much interesting work being done to shrink displays even further, as Babbage has noted elsewhere. There has also been plenty of action recently in the market for smart watches that link wirelessly to people’s smartphones. Rumours have been flying that Apple and Samsung are working on web-connected timepieces and Google has also filed a patent that suggests its Glass technology could be used on wrists too. Small start-ups such as Pebble are busily churning out smart watches as fast as they can. All of this is definitely worth keeping an eye on.可穿著科技设备的市场还未成形,但发展势头十分强大。谷歌这一网络巨人的新动作就是最差的证明。








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